Westside Sisters http://westsidesisters.org Live in His presence. Love His people. Wed, 29 Aug 2021 21:04:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.8 http://westsidesisters.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/cropped-Westside-Sisters-logo-mark_rgb-150x150.jpg Westside Sisters http://westsidesisters.org 32 32 Short Cut http://westsidesisters.org/short-cut/ Tue, 20 Mar 2021 16:21:33 +0000 /?p=2267 I took the short cut

And all I got was cut short.

You see,

The clear path began to distort.

Straight lines became blurred

Yeah all my words started to slur.

Treasure is what I seek

But what I got in return was bleak

Thoughts became violent


relationships silent…


No true home…

The seed had been sewn,

but the roots didn’t take.

Darkness abides in the short cut

I can’t see,

yeah, what a mess up

Sink deeper and deeper

Medicate the pain

One with the darkness.

Can I sleep forever?

Awake again,

But why?

I thought I removed myself.

Is this a sign?

All the pain rushes back in,

all the guilt on accounts of my sin

Forgive me…

Oh God Forgive me.

“Let go of the pain”

A life restored again

Sell my life for the true treasure

Yeah I give with pleasure

Fight for the good

protect what I have understood.

Till up my heart

Just like at the start.

A new season

Yeah no more treason.

You see,

I took the short cut

But never again will I get cut short

Its Time to Grow Up http://westsidesisters.org/its-time-to-grow-up/ http://westsidesisters.org/its-time-to-grow-up/#respond Wed, 14 Feb 2021 16:54:40 +0000 /?p=2240 Each December I pray for direction from the Lord. I begin looking forward to the coming year and asking God what He wants from me. What does He want to show me? What area of my life do I need to surrender to Him? This word becomes an anchor upon which I hang onto as God sifts and stirs things up in my life. This year the word I heard from the Lord was “grow”. Usually God only tells me one or two words. I think its because He knows I like to control things in my life and the more I know the more I want to do it my own way.

I felt the Lord say that I would be growing in many ways this year. I was going to grow in my understanding of the bible as I studied for my pastors license. My responsibilities at church are going to grow. My husbands business is expanding. There are other ways God wants me to grow in as well. I see that my husband and I are in a season of growth in our marriage. God is allowing us the opportunity to see some things that aren’t as they should be. That when we face challenges, God wants us to allow those challenges to bring us closer together as a couple and closer to God. I also began feeling the Lord stir in me a realization of all He had brought me through in my life. That He was going to use the times of growth in my past to heal me and God was going to use those same seasons of growth in my future to heal others around me as well.

I felt the Lord also ask me to grow in my faith. To trust that He has been at work in my life since the very beginning. I began taking a class called Essentials that walked me through the story of God and how my story and Gods story intersected. God has been growing gifts and passions in me since I was a little girl. In this class I discovered how all my triumphs and disappointments were actually pieces of the puzzle of my life and the mission and purpose God had placed inside of me all along. I realized that when I wanted to look over my life and categorize my good and poor choices as wins or loses, that they actually were moments that were knitted together by God creating this overall theme of who I am. That these moments weren’t times when I was bad or good, but they were necessary moments for the overall picture of me to form.

The Word of God says “A three strand chord can not be easily broken”. The three stands that are talked about here are God, me, and other people in my life. Sometimes that other person is a parent, a spouse, or friend.  When we choose to be transparent with ourselves, God, and others around us, thats when true growth begins to happen. There are opportunities during the week where you can join a class or small group and discover who God really is. I believe that the more we know about God, the more we know about ourselves and how He has built each of us. This knowledge is where we can make the greatest impact for the Kingdom. Lets be people who run after growth. God has a plan for you. He wants you to discover who you are, who He is and then walk that out. But we need to be willing to look at ourselves. Willing to see the depth of Gods love for us and then through that love dive into learning. Lets be people who grow. Lets be people who are willing to be disciples so that we may disciples others. So take every opportunity to learn. Join Essentials. Be apart of a small group. Lets be people who are lifelong learners. We will never arrive but lets remember that when we run after growth, we find true faith and love in Jesus. 

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Face to Face http://westsidesisters.org/face-to-face/ Tue, 23 Jan 2021 17:32:40 +0000 /?p=2176
Jillian Jeppsen, Pastor of Communication/Discipleship

I have a love hate relationship with social media. On one hand, it is so amazing to be able to peek into the moments that my friends and family are having. I feel like I can be a part of their life and share in their triumphs from the comfort of my living room.

My best friend from high school lives in San Diego, CA. Through Facebook I have been able to celebrate her girls’ journey playing softball, celebrate her new promotion at work, and congratulate her on buying her first home. I love being able to actually see pictures and videos of these special times in her life since I cant actually be there to cheer her and her family on in person.

I love when “memories” come up on my phone reminding me of everyday events that have happened in my life. Today a picture of my twins and granddaughter came up on my feed. It was nothing spectacular, just the girls playing dress up. But it is so fun to be reminded of these times together when were just doing life; being reminded without really even exerting much effort other than turning my phone on. I’m not gonna lie, that kind of convenience is addicting!

Then, there’s the other side of social media. The way it makes you feel connected to people without actually “being” with them. In today’s day and age, I can order groceries online and have them delivered straight to my front porch, which I can see from an app I put on my phone, and then tell the delivery man to leave my food there. I never have to leave my bedroom!  We all crave connection. It is what we’re built for.

God says in Galatians 6 that we are to “carry each others burdens.” But, as we become more technologically advanced, we find less and less reasons to leave the house let alone be together so that we can carry anything for one another. We convince ourselves “liking” a picture or responding with a funny emoji is the same thing as true connection.

Community happens when we are together, face to face with each other. We need to see facial expressions, feel the touch of a friend holding our hand and praying as we face a diagnosis, hear the squeals of delight as God brings a long awaited miracle to us.

Connection is where we get to really know each other. What we love, what fuels us, what angers us, what struggles we are facing. Intimacy and belonging happen when we have the space to share our hearts with one another and that doesn’t happen on social media.

True intimacy and belonging happen in those quiet, small moments with each other. So, get connected. Join a small group. Seek those around you that God has placed in your life. None of us can do this life alone. We all reach a place when its time to move. So, step into belonging. Step into connection. Its time to get to know each other. Those around you deserve to know you, who you are and how you tick. We need one another.

REACH http://westsidesisters.org/reach/ http://westsidesisters.org/reach/#respond Tue, 16 Jan 2021 17:28:27 +0000 /?p=2178
Nate Kaping, Pastor in Training REACH

REACH stretches the life and love of Jesus across the entire world; bringing the community of Christ and Sisters, OR to all who are lost and in need. With local and global initiatives, REACH sets out to provide resources and comfort to every walk of life. REACH is based on five Biblical values: Renewal, Evangelism, Aid, Cultivating Relationships and Honoring God. Each value pushes to improve the lives of many individuals in many different ways. REACH leaves the ninety-nine to find the one.

As we roll into 2018, most of America tends to set New Year’s resolutions for our personal lives. We choose to live healthier lives, plan to work out more, devote more time to studying the Bible, re-enroll in school, set to save money and we reflect on the past year. Trying to understand our triumphs and our loses is part of human nature. Looking to improve ourselves is at the forefront of who we are as humans. REACH is no different.

There are many great things happening through REACH:

Bread of Life

Bread of Life is the longest running initiative at Westside Sisters Church. Feeding many and spreading love those to in need is what Bread of Life is all about. Providing over 100,000 pounds of food in 2017, Bread of Life has had a HUGE impact on the community of Sisters and Central Oregon. Currently Lois Kaping and Paula Lovegren are running Bread of life and they are continually loving on everyone who enters the doors. Lois Kaping states that,

“Every week 125-200+ people receive food to help meet their physical needs. In addition to food, they receive kindness, respect, and dignity in how our food is given. A frequent comment we hear from participant is “this is a good thing”. We look forward in 2021 to continue in this good work.”

Sisters Cold Weather Shelter

Another huge win for outreach in our community is partnering with the Sisters Cold Weather Shelter (SCWS). Allowing people to escape the harsh conditions of our Central Oregon winters and providing comfort and warmth at night is the main goal of the SCWS. Although we at Westside Sisters are not leading the SCWS, we have allowed them to use our facilities to house many individuals throughout the winter. Lois Kaping also stated that,

“The 2021 season housed 44 different individuals, including children, over the course of three months. Shelter guests found a warm, safe place to stay where they were treated with kindness and grace. Many barriers were removed as guests and volunteers got to share a meal and know each other. One guest from last season and two from the 2017/2018 season have found permanent housing.”

Local Growth

REACH is always looking to improve what we already are doing. We see Bread of Life growing drastically over this next year, allowing God to provide new resources for the community to use. Westside Sisters Church and REACH will continue to partner with the SCWS in 2021 and many years to come. While growing the ministries that have already established we plan to grow the variety of our local initiatives. Many people have stepped up and voiced their interest in providing for those in need in our community. From yard work to chopping wood to shoveling snow to fixing appliances to even just having conversations with those whom are lonely, REACH desires to be loving caretakers of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual deficiencies of our community.

Global Impact

Looking towards the future of REACH and what we aim to do in 2018, we plan to provide aid to not only people in our community but globally as well. With plans in place to go to Cartagena, Colombia February 18th-26th, we also plan to have more opportunities to serve internationally. Being the hands and feet of Jesus is what REACH is all about. Caring for people, providing assistance, feeding the poor and spreading the Good News is what we will continually be doing.

What are we called to do?

REACH is called to fight for God’s Kingdom with love and compassion, taking back the land that was lost to the enemy and returning it to its rightful owner; our Father God. Matthew 28:19 says,

“Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” (NLT)

REACH intends to do exactly this; to go out and make disciples of all nations. We have been called by God to do this. As we push into to God’s word we find many scriptures that urge us to be the hands and feet of Jesus, they urge us to serve the least and they push us to love, have mercy and be in community. In 2018, REACH will stretches the life and love of Jesus across the entire world; bringing the community of Christ and Sisters, OR to all who are lost and in need.

http://westsidesisters.org/reach/feed/ 0
Why Kids Ministry is for All Generations http://westsidesisters.org/why-kids-ministry-is-for-all-generations/ Fri, 05 Jan 2021 00:14:02 +0000 /?p=2117
Brittany Morioka, Kids Director

As we enter 2021 in Westside Kids we are following our current series up front (or “Big Church” as the kids refer to it) and teaching on some foundational truths. Kids are going to learn more about who God really is, what his son Jesus did and continues to do for us and also how they can minister through the power of the Holy Spirit.

I can remember back to the first time we taught about the Holy Spirit in Westside Kids and what an eye opening lesson that was not just for the kids, but myself. I learned more about the power I had through the Spirit from teaching them the class material than I had ever learned in church. Volunteering with our kids is so much more than filling a position on Sunday morning, or babysitting while parents attend church. It is an opportunity to prepare the next generation for a culture that is constantly trying to steal them from us. The enemy wants ours kids, our youth. Every time you step into the classroom, you are taking a stand against the enemy and furthering God’s Kingdom.

Back in the day, there was a story that circulated amongst pastors. It was said that D.L. Moody had come back from a tent revival where he reported that 2 1/2 people were saved. Whoever he was talking to replied, “You mean, two adults and one child?” D. L. Moody responded,

“No, two children and one adult. When you save a child, you save a life—a whole life.”

I accepted Jesus when I was 8 years old at Echo Ranch Bible Camp in Juneau, Alaska. Over the years, I’ve found out that I’m not alone. I’m just one of the many people who decided to follow Christ as a child. 

This shouldn’t really surprise us. In a statement that He must have known would end up on the wall of virtually every kids ministry in the world, Jesus said,

“Let the little children come to me and do not stop them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” 

Jesus wasn’t just commenting on what adults need to do to enter the Kingdom of Heaven or even insight into what the Kingdom of Heaven is all about; Jesus was telling us something fundamental about childhood.

There is a season in a person’s life when they are most open to learning what it means to trust God.

It’s a season sometime between 2-12 years old when kids are more moldable than they will ever be in their lifetime. It is when kids are forming their understanding of the world, of relationships, of love, of God.  It is a season when kids are impressionable. We should be intentional about ensuring that they get the right impression.

What is rooted in the heart of a child is almost impossible to uproot in the life of an adult.

I don’t think this season is by accident.  When God said,

“For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven”,

I think He really did mean everything.  It is during this season we need to focus our efforts on helping kids place their trust in Jesus.

What if the adult small group that has been meeting for the last four years, disbanded and took all of that knowledge and wisdom they acquired and committed to investing in a small group of kids every week for an entire year? Isn’t that the kind of small group leader or Sunday school teacher we all want for our kids?

Unsaved adults will always be among us and they will need environments designed to reach them, but a person is a child only for a short time. And in this short time, the entire course of a life can be altered.

How many adult problems would be solved if every preschooler who entered our churches left knowing they have a Heavenly Father who loves them?  Or what if every elementary child left knowing they can place their trust in Jesus for every area of their lives?  Or what if every high school student left knowing their place in God’s story and having made a lifetime commitment to serving Christ?  What if everything we did for our kids focused on winning them to Christ?

Jesus put the child in the midst of His ministry and therefore we should put the child in the midst of the church.  Not only do I believe that God blesses this, but if we were really honest this would be the most strategic use of our resources and it would bear the most fruit for the Kingdom of God in the future.

We are shaping the future of the church in our kid’s ministries of today.

What would the next generation look like if a church invested in its youngest members?

 I urge you to tap a shoulder this week. Grab a family member, a friend and get involved in kid’s ministry. God is calling us to shift a culture starting with a small church in Sisters, Oregon.

Christmas 2017, The Greatest Gift http://westsidesisters.org/christmas-2017-the-greatest-gift/ http://westsidesisters.org/christmas-2017-the-greatest-gift/#respond Sun, 10 Dec 2021 02:38:01 +0000 /?p=2051
Jerry Kaping, Lead Pastor

This Christmas I am reflecting on all that the holiday means.  It is so many things, gifts and guests, ribbons and lights, songs and surprises, time with family and friends, and of course, we can’t forget the Christmas trees and cookies.  We need to enjoy the things of Christmas, especially the community found in the great celebration of His grace and promise.


But… As Isaiah 9 states in verses 6 & 7,

“For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given;
And the government will be upon His shoulder.  And His name will be called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Of the increase of His government and peace There will be no end,
Upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, To order it and establish it with judgment and justice From that time forward, even forever.  And Just before this in Isaiah 7:14, he writes, “All right then, the Lord himself will give you the sign. Look! The virgin[f] will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son and will call him Immanuel (which means ‘God is with us’).

Jesus is the fulfillment of over 353 prophetic predictions and 44 messianic predictions as well. 

Jesus gives us his Spirit as our Mighty Counselor, God the Father is our Mighty God, their reign is Eternal and Everlasting, Jesus is the peace giver, the grace of God Himself.  There is no end to his peace, His rule, and His reign.  The Son of God shows up in such an unusual way, as a baby lying in a manger, just like you and me.  As to say to us, I am God with you, I am God like you, but I am God.  Make no mistake in who I am and why I have come.

This Christmas I hope we reflect on what this day means, that THE GREATEST GIFT that has ever been given is a free gift to receive.  As we embrace the spirit of believing this Christmas, let us hold tight to believing that this day changed the world and the implications of this Great Gift, changed the world forever.

With all the celebrating you will and should have this year, may this be a time of great intimacy with God through His Holy Spirit.  Spending precious moments with friends and family while noticing how God shows up even today with us.  He is God with us just as much today as He was on the night Jesus was born.

From all of us at Westside Sisters we hope you have the greatest Christmas you have ever had as you use this time to understand you can receive “THE GREATEST GIFT” in Jesus himself.  We invite you to participate with us as we celebrate Christmas Eve at 9:00am, 10:45am, and a special candlelight service @ 4:45pm.  We will kick off the Candlelight service with light refreshments at 4:00pm.

I would like to personally invite you to come join us as we celebrate “The Greatest Gift” ever known to man.

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